Order processing:Ordersmade andpaidupace14,30hareprocessed and shippedthe same day,subsequentto thisscheduleare shippedthe nextbusiness day.
Delivery mode:
Receivetheir productswithin the stipulated timeinCTT (post office)nearest to yourresidence.
Nationalmailwill be sentthrough CTTorCTT Expressoasthe weight of thegoods to senddeliveryexpectationoneto twobusiness daysafterdelivery(exceptdelays byCTT). International mailwill be sentthrough the post officeCTTPortugalregistered maildeliveryexpectationfor Brazil15-40business daysaftershipment (exceptdelays inBraziliancustom house)
1)Your order isdelivered to thepost office
2)After a few daysyour orderarrives at theneareststationCTThim
3)CTT(post office)senda postcardthat is sent toyour address.Thispostsays it hasan orderat the post officeto raise, which is sentbyMiguelTaboada.
4)The customeris directedto CTTwith the signedcardas he hasin hisidentity card andraises theorder.
No one will knowyour order has beenpurchasedinlojapoppers.com
5)when sendingis emailedtoOrderCTTreferencetolapsebyCTTthey have notdeliveredthe warning tosurveyhasthe sameability to accesswillorderthepost officeof yourareaofresidence.
In this sensewe are not responsible forordersreturnedfor not havingbeen claimed, withthe customerto bear thefreightforreenviemosthe request.
Mode of payment:
Paymentcash on deliveryinorderliftingact.Shipping costfor this modeonlyavailable forPortugal(do not sendwillcharge forthe islandsonlymainland Portugal)
Table forNationalMailwillBilling
ate 500g
6,00 €
de 500g a 2000g
8,00 €
paymentthroughabank transferwith thedata provided below.Shipping costfor this modetoPortugal, foreign If you choose topaybybank transfer,please send anemail to ustopoppers@lojapoppers.comto confirm thistransfer, to be theshipping processfaster, tell usalsoyour name andnumber of theorder. Upon receiptof yourtransferll we makethe sendingof your order.
NIB-Bank Identification Number 0010 00003604838000153
IBAN- InternationalBank Account Number PT500010 0000 3604 8380 0015 3
Payments MB After completing thepurchase transactionreceivein your emailtheATMdatapertaining to yourrequestentity,Referenceandamount payableshallthenmake paymentthroughATM orhome banking, whichwill receive thepayment confirmationandwe will sendyourorder. Shipping costfor this modeonlyavailable forPortugal
Paymentby credit card
For thismethodofpaymentthe costs areforPortugalandleastbutascalculateweightforinternational shipments.
Thepayment will be processedas follows:
-Performsordernormallyandchoosepayment bycredit card,paymentmust clickon theimage. -Isforwarded toa secure connectionSIBSwhichshouldmake the payment. -Once we receivepaymentconfirmation oftheorder will be sent.
Bank transfer and credit card is the only metods accepted for payment for the international orders.
sólo son aceptadas como forma de pago transferencia bancaria e targeta de credito para las solicitudes internacionales.
Lojapoppers.comis not responsible forordersheldinCustomsin destination countries, because ofILLEGALIMPORTS. Toavoid problems, make surethat the productsyou want to importare legalin your country.
Theindication of theaddressisthe customer's responsibility,if it ispoorlyindicatedin the registerand thereforethe order does notreach theaddresseeresponsibilitywill becharged to theclient,if the returnandorderits costwill bepaid by the customer. Always check thestatus of your orderafter sendingusindicate theregistration numberof CTT,if it receivesat mostwithin 2business daysformainlandPortugalhead over tothepost officeof yourareaofresidencewiththe number ofsubmittedregistrationand askfor your order. You can seetheorderthestate: http://www.cttexpresso.pt/feapl_2/app/open/objectSearch/cttexpresso_feapl_132col-cttexpressoObjectSearch.jspx
esteemed customers The orderswillsendthecollectionare alwayssubject toconfirmationbefore shipmentto avoidunnecessaryreturns. theclaims paidby ATMorbank transferwill always havepriorityshipping, opt forthis system andreceive your orderin a morepracticalwayanddresserin your home. Internationalpayments: Onlypaymentsare acceptedbycredit card orbank transferineuroswithin the euro zone,outside the euro areaonlyacceptcredit cards.