My personaldata isconfidential andwill be released?
-Thelojapoppersneverdiscloseyour detailsto third parties.Your datawill only be usedso we cansend youyour order.If you wish,you may receiveemails from uswhenever we getnew products,but to do somust registeron ourmailing-list.We will not sendanyinformativee-mailwithout thedesire.Thelojapoppersguaranteesthe utmost secrecy!
Howis the packagingoflojapoppers?
-Thelojapoppersnot make anykind of advertisingon the packaging.The packagewill have nolabel!No onewill knowthat your productwas purchasedinlojapoppers.
Thelojapoppersgivesinvoices forproducts you sell?
- Together withyourorder you will receivea receiptthat provesyou boughtyourproductinour store.You caninvoicemustrequest it in thecommentsfieldwhen ordering.